How to manage changes: tips on a company's transformation in 2021

The year 2020 has shown us that changes can be unpredictable, dramatic and continuing. Any business should always be ready to encounter them, and managers should keep themselves and their team in a state of quick response and development. If previous changes were about realization of certain projects, today transformation is an ongoing process. And if a company does not follow this way, it will demise.

In this article NFP CEO Sergey Lozhkin will share some trends of digital transformation for 2021.

Digital dexterity among trends of 2021

This trend became quite important in the past year. Company's flexibility and ability to leverage emerging technologies allows staying ahead and building a strong, competent team. In terms of digitalization dexterity means the ability to distinguish necessary digital innovations from just trendy ones and to develop a strategy that will help to implement the right solution and achieve better business results. It is not a good idea to be careful about changes. Today everything is becoming out of date, so we should take it as it is; otherwise we will lose the race.

I would like to emphasize that transformation does not mean that we should replace the old by the new. We should implement digital tools gradually and balance between up-to-date and popular technologies while getting the most out of the old ones. For example, the underlying systems that were working for decades can operate through robots and solve different tasks. This kind of interaction saves costs and helps to stay on the digital wave.

    Team should be free to work on creative tasks

    Remote office and shift to omni-channel has taught specialists to work according to the individual schedule, to hold online-meetings and be more adaptive. Using RPA in business and resulting skipping from the routine manual work helps them to develop initiative and creative approach. Thanks to AI we can automate a lot of duties. Combining RPA with AI we upgrade the working force and knowledge of emerging technologies. And we also should take a creative approach in case change management concerns personnel. If you decide to hire a robot, there is a manager's responsibility on how employees will treat a digital recruit. The principal thing here is that communication is built on corporate culture, where the goals of innovations and their outcome for company are clarified. If employees resist something, probably manager should suggest a new direction for development, training or shift to a new project.

      Follow the rule: purpose, support and pressure

      Three component factors that are purpose, support and pressure help to incorporate any changes with the highest outcomes. If there is no specific purpose, there shouldn't be any changes then. For example, there is no complete understanding of business-processes RPA should cover or results of this technology seem unclear. NFP has a case where our specialists were to optimize processes differing from initial inquiry. The truth here is that such cases usually take place when customers hire consultants for this job. In case business is trying to find solutions for their digital tasks on their own, so to set the right purpose and find a proper decision for this certain business should be a priority. Effective tools of industry leaders and competitors can be a support during the process of transformation. By launching new products, they create a certain pressure and thus drive the development and upgrading of the solutions.

      We can also apply the 'purpose, support and pressure' scheme in HR management. Cases where employees make little sense of their job responsibilities, KPI's or deadlines are not quite rare. This can lead to stagnation and impact both the project performance and employees.

      When an employee has no support from managers or mentors, so there is no understanding that his/her work is important. The necessity of working eight hours or even more under strict directions from managers may lead to burnout, poor environment in a workplace, feel of resentment or other undesirable things. Every employee need to get a feedback to stay motivated. They need to be sure they can follow strategies and plans to achieve career goals and that they will not be criticized if some misunderstandings occur.

      We should use pressure as a parameter of progress. It is not a stick, rather a tool to speed up performance. Hesitations and concerns are normal among specialists. But often pressure makes them get a second wind to generate ideas and think outside a box.

        Build your business regarding your own perception

        If recently companies were about to solve customers' problems, today it is more efficient to rely on your own conception. To some extent, every company is a physical reflection of its owner mentality. Organization translates owner's peculiarities. And in this case success depends on how well a manager is aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses. To become more adaptive, we should gain experience through practice, dive into new processes, take mentors' ideas and analyze successful cases.

        Crises always reveal gaps and vulnerabilities in operational processes. Here different tools such as business partners' cooperation help to create balance, because of talents blending. A perfect situation when manager leads a department where he/she can apply a professional skills and experience in the most suitable environment.

          Improve security and service

          Fast reaction to customers' demands and excellent client service are principle benefits that can increase company's rating. In 2021 we should strengthen the monitoring of demand, analytics and active communications. As a contractor you should show reliable and responsible attitude. Automated delivery of scripts and other traditional activities are now in the past. Personalized approach and proper communications are the foundation of achieving business goals.

          In 2021, cyber security is going to become the essential security tool in your business's safety. Strategies against potential vulnerabilities include up-to-date disaster recovery solutions, for example, in case of external attacks which lead to data leak processed by machine learning.
            Sergey Lozhkin
            NFP SEO
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